Omar Al Gurg

The UAE Designer Exhibition returns to Downtown Design in November. Omar Al Gurg, founder of contemporary furniture brand Modu Method, is its guest curator.

By Naima Morelli

You debuted at the UAE Designer Exhibition in 2021, what does the platform offer UAE-based creatives?

It offers a chance to showcase their work and talent, giving them an opportunity to meet other people in the field and potential clients who could be interested in their work. Of course, it’s up to the designers to take advantage of this. Exposure is a great part of this platform, but the opportunity to meet other creatives in the community is also valuable.

The theme urges designers to prioritise comfort, convenience and functionality. What are you looking for?

I’m looking for designs that showcase an element of comfort, whether it is physical or mental, while still being functional. Products that may be able to do more than one thing or are nostalgic in some way. It’s important for the designs to have an element of storytelling, that helps people understand the work for what it is.

UAE creatives are pushing the boundaries of materials innovation and sustainability, often in concert. How important is that?

Many people in the UAE are exploring new materials that are very exciting. Sustainability has always been important. Objects and projects can be made sustainable not only by material choice, but also by design. It’s important that we don’t get lost in the idea of only using sustainable materials, or choosing to be sustainable because it’s on trend, and remind ourselves that when we create a long-lasting product that is timeless, that is also a form of sustainability.

Are you looking for cultural touchpoints, to see pieces rooted in place, contextually relevant and resource-efficient?

I’m not actively looking for cultural touchpoints, but I do think context is important. Though I believe we need to design within the context of our environment, all of us are influenced by our culture subconsciously and reference it in subtle ways, which I think is more interesting. I don’t think an object should be rooted in place per se, but can celebrate culture through its design.

UAE Designer Exhibition 5.0, November 6-9 within Downtown Design 2024.


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